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Healing Naturally with Acupuncture, Herbs & Massage
Philadelphia’s Most-Trusted Acupuncture Clinic
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Healing Naturally with Acupuncture, Herbs & Massage
Philadelphia’s Most-Trusted Acupuncture Clinic
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Healing Naturally with Acupuncture, Herbs & Massage
Philadelphia’s Most-Trusted Acupuncture Clinic
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Image Slider 1 - Bonsai
Healing Naturally with Acupuncture, Herbs & Massage
Philadelphia’s Most-Trusted Acupuncture Clinic
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Healing Naturally with Acupuncture, Herbs & Massage
Philadelphia’s Most-Trusted Acupuncture Clinic
Image Slider 3 - White Buttons
Healing Naturally with Acupuncture, Herbs & Massage
Philadelphia’s Most-Trusted Acupuncture Clinic
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Insurance / HSA

YES our clinic accepts Insurance!  However, not all insurance plans cover acupuncture services.

To learn if your insurance plan covers acupuncture services, please complete the form below.  
Note: If you receive an error message after completing the form, please try again using a different browser (EG Firefox or Safari or Chrome).  If you are still having difficulty, please email us at so that we can try to help.


Again, please email through this website or to the following email address:
