Acupuncture & Fertility: 10 Keys Ways Acupuncture Boosts Fertility Outcomes
- Hormonal regulation: Acupuncture helps re-balance subtle hormonal discrepancies and thus helps regulate menstruation and ovulation.
- Increases Uterine Blood Flow: Acupuncture enhances growth of the uterine lining (endometrium), making implantation more likely.
- Relieves Stress: Acupuncture calms & lowers stress hormones that can obstruct fertility.
- Reduces Inflammation: Acupuncture reduces inflammation, both systemic and local, which can inhibit or impair fertility odds.
- Enhances Ovarian Blood Flow & Follicle Growth: Acupuncture helps follicles grow by sending nourishing blood flow to the ovaries (decreased ovarian blood flow is a common issue in women 35yo+).
- Benefits Egg Release (Timing and Quality): Acupuncture enhances ovulation.
- Reduces Uterine Spasms: Acupuncture improves implantation odds by calming spasms.
- Immune System Regulation: Acupuncture helps keep the immune system functioning properly- this is important because a hyper-active immune system can obstruct fertility.
- Boosts Sperm Quality: Acupuncture enhances both sperm quality and motility.
- Boosts Sperm Count: Acupuncture increases sperm count (in men with low numbers).
This is the first in a series of several monthly blog posts related to fertility, IVF and acupuncture/herbal medicine. Future posts will discuss topics such as the benefits of herbal medicinal formulas with fertility/IVF as well as discussing the optimal window of time to receive acupuncture before and/or after an Egg Retrieval or IVF transfer. Stay tuned!
Written by Drs Aaron Cashman and Mary Gagliardi at Philadelphia Mind-Body Acupuncture
1. Treatment of Infertility with Chinese Medicine. J Lyttleton
2. It Starts with the Egg. R Fett
3. Making Babies. S David & J Blakeway
4. The Infertility Cure. R Lewis